Alcohol is included as a drug

  1. I was actually about to say alcohol. I’ve seen it wreck marriages, split up families, and get people evicted from their homes.

  2. I used to work with a guy who killed his best friend while he was on mushrooms, so probably that.

  3. weed. went paranoid or didn’t want to do anything other than sitting around and doing nothing. but maybe it’s my fault because i didn’t want to do weed

  4. Nicotine is hella addicting and one of my high school people went to jail for dealing weed

  5. My friend started fucking around with oxys (“blues”) and within 12 months was:

    1. Extremely fat
    2. Emptied his family’s safety deposit box
    3. Pawned his family’s “heirloom” wedding ring
    4. Lost his job
    5. Destroyed his credit — Had 10-15 payday loans under his name that he had defaulted on

    He came clean just before he was about to be priced out of Blues and onto Heroin. But he still caused significant lasting damage to himself and his family.

    Based on what I’ve seen, Alcohol is nothing compared to Opiates…

  6. I’ve seen Meth and Crack destroy a lot of families. It’s awful how their lives just crumble.

  7. Alcohol killed my grandpa from decades of drowning himself in liquor. My family kind of fell apart after that. Everything changed he was the glue holding our family together

  8. Alcohol, easy to get and fucks it lives. Addictive too, my bros near death on that one.

  9. Meth and I’ve seen it happen countless times. You meet some new people, regular people. Home, career, family. Then you watch their house become a fucking disaster. They lose their jobs. They let some drug dealer move in. Their garage becomes an absolute 24 hour meth house. They start cheating on each other. The fighting is crazy. The kids get taken away. And finally, the house is raided and they go to jail and lose everything. I’ve seen that exact scenario happen a handful of times. And then even more often, someone who isn’t a regular shows up to the hang out spot and gets high. By the end of the weekend they’ve changed as a person. They now live at the dope spot. Their wife leaves them and they lose their job. Start breaking into cars to pay for meth, get arrested and go to prison. I’ve seen people go from regular person to fucking meth head in the course of a weekend and seen them go from job and apartment to prison in a matter of months

  10. >Alcohol is included as a drug

    Well in that case, definitely methamphetamine.

    Alcohol takes a good while to destroy a life. Meth can do it in a couple of days, if it even takes that long.

  11. I’m trying to stop smoking weed but I just get so depressed sometimes (weather is shit) so I turn to it. It’s kinda become a dependence so I’m trying to quit. This week I’m aiming to make it to Friday without smoking.

  12. Alcohol and heroin.

    I actually hate how alcohol destroys someone even more than how heroin does in some ways. I saw an old man at a train station who pissed his pants recently. Things like that really make me feel sad.

    I lost a lot of friends to both.

  13. Weed, then meth or heroin. But I don’t know anybody who’s been on all three at the same time.

  14. Alcohol. Someone might say meth or crack, but *far* more people are willing to become alcoholics than meth heads due to the stigma.

    Anyways, yeah I’d say alcohol. I know someone who royally fucked up their lives for a while because of their stupid actions alcohol. I’m talking about getting a DUI.

    A close second is benzodiazepines. You don’t even need to be taking it with the intent to abuse it for it to fuck your life up.

  15. inhalants. huffing fumes from all types of household cleaners.

    watched them go from sullen to irrational to unrecognizable.

    it literally eats away at your frontal lobe, it’s where your rational and impulse decision making is formulated.

    they act like 12 year old people with the understanding of a young person. story: this huffer was 30 or so at the time ( mid 50s now) and they literally thought that eating raw spinach will give them superpower strength seconds after consuming the plant bc they watched a cartoon called popeye- at age 30.

    unable to keep a job, unable to budget money, unable to understand that you have to wash your hands etc

    they were not born like that. i watched them slowly turn into someone else. no other drugs involved. no alcohol. just huffing.

  16. Alcohol abuse killed my grandmother. And Cocaine made me lose all my life savings within 6 months

  17. My daughter got her Master’s degree in English lit last year. I really don’t know why but she started smoking fentanyl 6-8 months ago. Since then she has lost her job, been evicted, racked up massive credit card debt and is now homeless somewhere.

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