I’m in college (19M) and attended a meeting for a club (based on trying new foods).

I’m dressed well as remarked by my peers (typical college outfit).

The girls I tried talking to had welcoming body language. I would start by:

1. Giving a warm smile
2. Saying hello in a friendly tone
3. Talk about school, the club, and our interests

They looked unhappy whenever I talked to them. Every time they slowly inched away to talk to someone else. Whenever I tried joining a conversation, their smile dropped and their answers to questions and comments seemed evasive. Some of them gave me dirty looks. This happened around 10 times.

I had no problem with the guys, they were friendly and engaging. I treated everyone the same in a friendly manner. I made no attempts to flirt with anyone. Any advice?

  1. If women don’t CONVERSE with you…

    1. They aren’t into you (attraction wise) and don’t want to give you the wrong idea…

    2. They aren’t interested in what you are talking about

    3. They feel uncomfortable or creeped out

    Dressing nice and striking up convos doesn’t necessarily mean THEY feel the same about you. Do you have a friend you can ask? Are you socially awkward? Do you stand too close when talking? Do you avoid eye contact?

  2. You might be acting too aggressive and too enthusiastic which gets them to put up a defensive shield.

    Guys and guys can just chat and it’s no big deal. Girls have to worry if the guy might start hitting on her and put her in an awkward situation.

    When I used to take the bus to work, I’d offen see random men chat up a young lady at a bus stop. She’d look disinterested but he wouldn’t take the hint. Us dudes don’t have to worry about things like this.

    Make sure when you talk to people, be breezy and don’t give the impression you have an agenda or are invested in the conversation. YOU should be the one most of the time to eject from a conversation first. This shows you’re not gonna cling on. You can always talk to her again later.

    Lastly, make sure your energy matches theirs. The way we interact at a rave is different from how we interact at a quiet coffee shop. So if her energy level is at a 5 and you come in at a 9, you’re gonna creep her out.

  3. Depends how persistent you are and how genuine you come across. Too enthusiastic and it’ll make them question ulterior motives or it’s just plain creepy. Too persistent and they’ll definitly assume there’s something up. Especially if there’s a difference in body language and how you talk to women vs men, even if it’s subtle. It’s hard to get past the defenses and warning bells because they’re there for a damn good reason–it’s hard to tell who might be dangerous sometimes, especially since dangerous people put up a front in public settings.

    Or, they simply aren’t interested in meeting you/other men. There’s no getting to know people that aren’t open to it in the first place.

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