Hey! Some context, I (male, 25) was a part of an immature group of guys growing up who would tease each other a lot. They picked up that wasn’t very confident about my size down there, and as guys do they just made fun.

It traumatised me a lot, and while no woman any had any comments or issues and it never affected my experiences, I was always waiting for a woman to call me out, ask about it or just reject me because of my penis size.

I was on a second date recently, and it was going really well. We were having drinks in a bar and she started flirting pretty heavily. She asked for ‘a preview’, explaining she meant for me to describe my dick size to her.

It finally happened, argh! It didn’t help that she had previously told me she’d only dated one dude and was gesturing to a tall pint glass about his size, I guess cause she expected me to be similar? Idk, that was weird.

Maybe it was the liquid confidence, or the fact that I’ve been doing lots of therapy and am pretty confident in myself now, but I just straight up told her ‘hey, I’m not like your ex. I’m probably below average? It’s chill if that’s not your thing, but I wanted to be upfront so you’re not disappointed.’

I was pretty relaxed but deep down a little terrified I guess. But, despite all my dumbass friends telling me when I was younger that it mattered so much, she just said she would be interested to see if she prefers it, then quickly moved on to flirting some more.

It felt pretty amazing and was a big life moment for me, even though that might sound silly.

I guess my advice to anyone who is insecure about something – never assume what others are thinking or feeling about you, and remember to respect and love yourself regardless.

Thanks all.

  1. A lot of studies into penis size are quite flawed. but there is pretty reliable data out there that strongly suggests that men care about it way more than women do.

    and men have a pretty skewed perception of it because most of what they see is in pornography. I’m pretty well above average, but for much of my adolescence I thought I was small just because I had never seen one outside of pornography

  2. Strange conversation…..

    I’m not sure I would have answered that at face value. I might have said something along the lines of you’ll find out in about a half hour….Anyway it worked great. Congrats

  3. You have no obligation to answer a question like that. None. That’s like if you asked her how tight her vagina is and what her vulva look like.

    The hypocrisy of her asking something like that is extreme and disrespectful and degrading. Because she most likely would not welcome the same question with genders reversed.

    I’m glad it worked out for you this time. But next time consider saying “there’s one way to find out” or “it depends on how tight you are” or anything other than a direct answer. You are an equal to your date not beneath them.

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