So yesterday, I was out to eat at a restaurant with my 3 friends and my wife of course. At the table, we were making jokes about things we see on tiktok or just random stuff. My wife had an idea to make a joke about me. She said that I was ugly when I grow out a beard and I still was even if I didn’t have one. She laughed at it and my friends did. Right after she said it she told me she was just playing around. Even though she said she was just playing around, I felt offended that she called me out like that especially I front of my friends. I felt offended I wanted to go home and lay on the bed.

  1. That’s fucked up and you should tell her how it made you feel. Bet she would overreact if you did it back to her.

  2. Ask her why calling you ugly is funny to her or you. Have her explain it.

    Ask her if she would enjoy that joke ever for her?

    That may be more eye opening.

  3. You should have looked at one of your friends and said, “Hey, Charlie, isn’t my wife a cunt?”

  4. What a b*tch ass thing to say, not funny and not a joke! Why are you still with her? She wouldn’t like it if you said anything about her especially if were about her looks. Tell her that you don’t appreciate being embarrassed in front your friends and that you need some space and time to think about things, I would go stay somewhere else.

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