There exists this girl at my workplace… We use to be acquantances but I guess now we are just coworkers. I mean I felt we had good chemistry when we worked together but Idk we grew apart? After we completed our assignment where we worked together, she said ‘i really enjoyed working with you, you are fun, can’t wait to work with you again.’ But I realized months later after she said this to me, she actually complained to my boss that I Was bossy…

Anyway, Later I somehow asked her how she was doing and she said ‘i’m dealing with mental health issues, depression, anxiety, my dad is coming.’ Idk I just spoke back to her and I felt bad for her so I asked her to hang at a bar. She didn’t respond to me. Fine I get it, I felt bad for her and wanted to be nice.

Days later I kinda just didn’t try to talk to her because I felt she needed space.. I didn’t talk to her or anything. I also didn’t wish her happy birthday because I felt she didn’t want anything to do with me. The same day there was a work function and she seemed upset with me, ignoring me and what not.

I mean nowadays I just noticed she just walks past me and I noticed when I see her in the cafeteria She doesn’t talk to me or anything. But I know she notices me there.

What I don’t get is why is she mad at me for not wishing her happy birthday or what? We never were friends before and I definitely don’t want to be her friend now. Why is this going on? Best friends don’t even act like how she does. If a friend did that, I’d tell them to cut it out or just not talk to them anymore.

Why is she doing this?

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