there’s been days where she’s smelled sweaty, not so fresh, not tasted the freshest, but she’s human just like me and you and if i’m honest i prefer tasting and smelling her after a long day.

Today however, i noticed she smelled off. Like not a usual smell. I noticed it when she undressed and lay down on the bed, i kissed around her butt cheeks and between her thighs. I chose not to initiate sex, but not to say i noticed a bad smell because it could be a one off and there’s no need to make her feel possible embarrassment over that. What i want to know is what could cause this through??

  1. Definitely a one off. Not a huge deal. There’s 100% been days where your dick hasn’t smelled good either—and it’s normal. Make sure you cuddle her

  2. tell her if this continues… it’s not so bad to worry about your partner’s health and hygiene.

  3. It could be any number of factors that have created an imbalance. Stress and diet, play a huge factor. Consider cooking her a super nutritious meal and giving her a nice relaxed massage.

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