BF(28m) & I(24f) have been together for 9 months. Everything has been really good. He is very sweet to me and supportive.

There have been some things I have noticed lately. He has made several comments about women. If it is something about women being gold diggers in a movie or something he will say ‘fucking women’ same thing about cheating. He has used the W word that I don’t think I’m allowed to say here when the situation did not call for it. I have a friend who is married to his friend. The guy was really physically abusive towards her and she finally left him. I came home and asked him about it and said “I can’t believe fake name would do that” his response was she probably cheated on him all of the time. That made me mad. I asked him what is his deal with women and I asked if he knows that I am a woman and told him not all women are like that of course. He just said he knows I’m not like that and said some nice things.

We also got into our first real fight that has me wondering if I should break up with him. I get really bad migraines a few times a year. A few days ago I had one of those migraines. We haven’t spent a night apart in 6 months. I texted him that I had a migraine and would be in bed all day. I told him that he could still come over and spend the night if he wanted I would just be in bed and couldn’t really hang out with him. He said ok cool. He came over after work and I immediately knew he didn’t understand what a migraine was and how much pain i was in. He came in and flipped the lights on and started ranting about his day. I told him I was really sick and felt awful so he has to go in there or something. He was annoyed by this but fine so I thought he understood. Nope. He came in closer to night and started cuddling and being sweet and that was fine. I didn’t think he would try to have sex with me. He started trying and I told him to stop like 20 times over 10 minutes. He kept trying to talk me into it. I was being patient but I finally got mad and yelled at him to stop and that if he puts his dick in me I will literally throw up. This caused a fight. Side note: this is the first time I have ever denied him sex since we started having it. I wouldn’t have sex with him until we dated for a couple of months because i wasn’t looking for a hookup or fwb situation. Back then he said he respected me for it and was totally cool with it. He has even brought up how he respected it a few times since we started dating. He slammed the door and left and I felt too awful and was in too much pain to deal with it at the time.

The next day I tried to call him twice and he wouldn’t answer. I texted him and told him that we needed to talk about this. He told me I was being a B and trying to manipulate him with sex. Now we are pretending nothing happened and have moved on but I have been having second thoughts about us. We had plans the next day to go out to dinner with my parents and siblings. I didn’t think he would show up and he pretty much talked to everyone but me. Him and my family were having a great time though, it was really weird. It seems like he went out of his way to ignore me and not look at me. Why even come? It seems like this has came out of nowhere so I’m not sure if he is just having a bad week or I should be worried. The one friend I talked to about everything thinks I’m being too dramatic. She told me that it won’t be better with anyone else and what I told her is very mild. I at least want to talk to him about his comments about women because I think it is really stupid, and the sex fight was the last thing I expected from him.

TLDR I have noticed my boyfriend makes a lot of comments about women and then we got into a fight about sex. Thinking of ending it or at least slowing things down.

  1. Sister. Your boyfriend is a piece of shit. Just because he says a couple nice things about you doesn’t mean he’s a good guy. He’s showing you who he is and birds of a feather flock together. He’s selfish and inconsiderate very self-centered person.

  2. I agree. This isn’t a man but a man-child who 1) doesn’t seem to like or respect woman 2) is selfish and self centered and 3) showed you the child he is at dinner with your family. Your friend who told you this isn’t a big deal may appreciate a misogynist but you are right to have your antenna up. Not all relationships are meant to be forever, some are meant to be learning opportunities. Take the lesson and move on.

  3. Throw the whole man out. Him forcing you to say no to sex more than once is predatory and weird. Him being near 30 and not talking about what just happened, instead blaming you for it, is no good. This human isn’t going to be a good partner.

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