Hypothetically, if you could choose any liquid substance to piss out instead of urine, what would you choose and why?

  1. Soda or maybe beer. Would piss it right into a cup and drink it again. I dont drink, but other people would be more impressed by beer than soda haha.

    On second thought, motor oil. Whenever I need to change the oil or top it off, just stand over the valve cover and piss. Never have to pay $9 a quart for oil again.

  2. Provided this is some sort of magical creation?
    Type O Negative blood. Yeah it would scare the piss out of me but I could make money and save lives.

    Just don’t ask where it comes from.
    Also bonus if vampire bitches do exist.

  3. Printer ink – maybe a dated answer, but still valuable. Wetting yourself makes a much bigger mess though

  4. Something that smells good, like a weak perfume or whatever. Drinks would be some weird shit and anything expensive would make me a target once word got out

  5. It would be pretty awesome to make your own psilocybin concentrate.

    You could sell whatever you don’t use.

    I could move somewhere where that kind of thing is legal and never work again.

    Just drink lots of water and keep making that money.

  6. Coffee. I mean, if people are buying that cat poop coffee for hundreds of dollars per ounce, just imagine how much human pee coffee is worth!

  7. Scorpion venom. After 2 days of intense overhydration and suffering, I’d have 78 million dollars, which I could place in a Roth ira and live off of forever. From then, I’d sell another half gallon a year for my descendants.

  8. Toilet washing stuff, so the toilet are always clean. Nature friendly ofcourse so it doesnt do bad stuff when its flushed.

  9. A quick Google tells me scorpion venom is the most valuable liquid, so assuming I’m immune to it in that scenario, that. Insulin is worth less but I’d happily choose that too, just to make a steady supply of free insulin for folks who need it.

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