YOU GUYS I am over the fucking moon right now I can’t stop shaking, this just happened 5 minutes ago and I’m in a bathroom stall typing this for all of you.

here’s a TLDR; Finally mustered up the courage to ask my crush on a date thanks to the stories on this sub! Asked him after lecture and he happily said yes 🙂

So I’m an 18 y/o F, freshman in college. I met this guy in a philosophy class last semester and thought he was very cute and I loved his personality in class. We were both very diligent and spoke during lecture. I am normally pretty confident and charismatic so honestly speaking to random people isn’t an issue for me. It was SO different with him though, whenever I was around him, it’s like my stomach and heart were doing a full HIIT intensity cardio routine inside of me. I’d start trembling like a chihuahua around him because I would get so anxious. I made one attempt at getting to know him more and asked him if he wanted to be in a study group. I got his number but conflict in scheduling made it difficult. Basically the whole semester passed and no sort of thing happened between the two of us, we kept it light and friendly. We would always cross paths around campus so we’d see each other frequently but I could never tell if he liked me or was even single! Fast forward to spring semester, we ended up in the same philosophy class again! I was really excited but still couldn’t tell if he liked me. The only hint I could pick up is that he was friendly and moved his seat closer to me. I came onto this sub to seek advice but I mostly found posts about guys asking girls out. I tried my best to seed out the good advice. I decided that I can’t wait around for that magic moment to happen. I told myself that if he were to say no then no biggie! Why would I want to waste my time pursuing someone who has no interest in me. I made the plan to ask him out today after class because we receive extra credit if we attend a play on campus. Hahaha I even watched that motivational Shia lebouf video before bed last night and it really pumped me up! You will never guess what happened next though… So I go into class today and THIS DUDE BEHIND ME in class asked me to go with him to the play this weekend! My crush sits right by me so he watched this interaction happen. I was shocked and just quickly said I was working all weekend and couldn’t go. PHEW. Class ends and I saw my crush in the library and said hey and we conversed about a quiz we just took and I asked him if he wanted to go to the play with me. He was blushing and said yes! You guys IM SOOO HAPPY I AM SO GLAD I DID THIS. I PRACTICED IN THE MIRROR IN THE morning so that made it easier to do Bc I already had an idea of a script to follow. I just had to share this somewhere AAAHHH!!!

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