Men of reddit who were physically abused as kids, how do you deal with it?

  1. Try to ack like it didn’t happen and make sure it doesn’t happen to people that are around me.

  2. 4 years of weekly therapy.

    Pretty well managed. Here and there I’ll watch a movie or show, or someone will say something that sends me back. Mine involved some favorite childhood toys that being bring up.

    My wife knows, my parents know, my brother knows. I really only ever talk about it with my wife.

    It gets better. Mine happened from 4-7yoa. I suppressed it until I was 14yoa. Was a rough freshman year between puberty and riding the mental wave. I’d say it took a year to stop having nightmares and breakdowns.

    Here if you need to talk

  3. I was abused by an older girl when I was 4, she was around 10.

    Something that helped me come to terms was figuring that she was probably a victim herself, she had to learn what she did to me somewhere. It doesn’t justify what she did but pain begets pain and I have an opportunity to stop the pain with me. I’m the last one to suffer from this vein of abuse. I take solace in that.

  4. Just kind of moved on, honestly. It felt like a big deal back then, but as you get older, it’s less of your life than it used to be. Relax, enjoy what you have now, and don’t look back.

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