I want to smoke weed but my gf doesn’t want me to. The first time I tried weed was about 6 months ago. Ive only done it a couple times since then and the only time I do it is when. Im out with my friends. I have been with my GF for 2 years and everything is going great its just she wont let me smoke when im with my friends. I’ve tried talking with her but she seems pretty adamant about it and I wouldn’t be surprised if she left me. What should I say or do?

  1. Nothing you can really do there, because, let’s be honest, you’re trying to convince her to let you take drugs. Even if it’s weed.
    Also, and this is coming from someone who smokes regularly and has for years, it’s an addiction like any other once you smoke regularly. It’s an expensive habit even if it isn’t going to outright kill you like Heroin and, if you already have a tendency towards depression, can strengthen that and absolutely kill your motivation.
    I get wanting to just chill with friends and if you decide for you that you want to smoke, you do you, but you should know that it’s not all good and that your gf doesn’t have to accept it. If it comes down to it you might have to decide would you rather smoke or would you rather keep your gf?

  2. It is not her place to “let” you do what you want with your body. Think of weed like alcohol. Too much is a bad thing. Social smoking / drinking? Fully within your rights as an adult human. She’s out of line trying to police your choices. You’re a grown ass man; you can decide for yourself whether or not you want to smoke weed ffs.

    Her behavior is controlling and infantilizing. Please tell her she’s no right to tell you what to do with your friends; she’s your girlfriend, not your mom.

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