I recently started seeing a guy local to me. He said he’s dated a few women over the years but for one reason or the other has never had sex. I myself am not a “virgin” (I hate this term) but haven’t been with a ton of men either. Any tips? Should I just treat it like any other dating situation?

He initiated the first kiss on our first date, so he doesn’t seem entirely apprehensive.

  1. I am one. This is how I see it;

    As someone dating a male “virgin”, you must realize that many men nowadays are terrified of making a wrong move.

    An allegation can ruin a mans life.

    You dont need to (nor should you, imo) make any moves, but if you’d like him to make a move, give him a green light.

    If he’s not sure you’re ok with it, he won’t do it.

  2. Coming from a guy who is a virgin as well well I’ll tell you how I’d want to go about it.

    He’s just a regular guy I’m assuming so just treat him as such and have fun. Alot of guys are remaining virgins longer and longer, so treating us like there’s something wrong with us or like we are incapable of being normal feels like shit.

    Treat him like anyone else and as things get physical/hot and heavy be kind, patient, and be clear in your directions to him if he seems to struggle; let him take the lead and if you see him getting flustered just help him relax and know you are glad to be with him in that way.

    I mention that cause when things were going that way with me, my date had me try something new with her and she emasculated me even though it was my first time doing that and made me feel like shit as she talked down to me saying I should date someone on “my level”.

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