my husband will just ask me if i wanna fuck instead of taking the time to make out or get into it and it’s honestly annoying. not a turn on at all. i’ve told him this but it doesn’t seem to make a difference since he still just asks. where’s the romance? advice?

  1. How do you guys usually start off having sex? Is it just straight into it? You both could just do foreplay, and winwin

  2. I feel like more context is needed, because at the moment it just seems like he’s doing the right thing by asking for consent, and then being told he’s doing the wrong thing.

  3. Tbh I love my husband sm but he’s clueless and if I started kissing him and trying to initiate without words, he’ll just laugh it off and continue playing on his phone. I kinda HAVE to just say “I wanna fuck you” 😂

  4. Maybe he’s checking to see if it’s a good time to romance you? That you’re not too tired or anything?

    You could respond to his question by initiating the making out or suggesting something else that you want. Or you can say something like “I would like to make out, and see where it goes”

  5. My bf does that. While it definitely is not a turn on to be asked to fuck, I also compromise because there are times where it is started with foreplay. But maybe try explaining it in a different way.

  6. What’s he got to bring roses and chocolate or change his request to to asking for sexy time.

    If it means cleaning the house, cooking meals and foot massage I dont think you really understand males.

  7. I’m married also 52m. And my wife and I are the same, it’s not that we are unromantic either but once you know each other, ps we have kids, note feasible to go through all the niceties we just say hey, wanna go,,, its go time. Once in bed though, it’s like the first time. I see no problem with this.

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