I am 34 female. I’m very introverted, not having any skills to improve my social life. I feel like I’m alone mostly in the group. I fucked up my life with many regrets, guilts, dissatisfaction. I’m completely damaged inside and lost myself. I have been feeling that I’m a big failure of my life. I’m not able to improve myself . I am more provoked to death.
I don’t know what to do .

  1. I dm’ed… But if you don’t check that!! I said, just read the introduction pages of the book ” The power of Now”!!
    It helped me a lot! I hope it does give a new perspective!!

  2. You’re 34. You have until your early forties to turn things around without too much difficulty. You want a real challenge, if you want to really feel the walls closing around you, sit on your ass until you’re fifty. You’ll wish you were 34 again.

    Accept all the bullshit you’ve put yourself through, quit beating yourself up over it, and pledge—and I mean really pledge—to never do those things again and to do better next time. If you need someone to forgive you for the terrible things you’ve done, then I forgive you.

  3. I felt like this at mid 30s. Took me another decade to learn I had been misdiagnosed and I’m autistic. Women and girls get missed a lot. Maybe looking into the why will help?

  4. It’s okay to feel that way. Sometimes we look back on life and see all the wrong turns we made and the potholes we fell into. Really hard not to feel shitty and like we’ve run out of time to turn things around.

    The good news is, you haven’t run out of time and won’t until your last breath. So while it’s okay to grieve what you’ve missed or lost, when you’ve caught your breath a little, go back again in your mind and think about all the good things you did get to do or see BECAUSE of those wrong turns. Could be anything, just think up all the good stuff along with the bad.

    You’ll see that even though there’s probably always something we coulda-shoulda-woulda done better, there are many more amazing and nice things we’d never get to experience if we took a different path.

    I’m a bit younger than you are (28F) but I do understand that dark icky feeling of panic, like you’re over some kind of hump and headed straight downhill with no way back up. Watching friends seemingly do “better” and feeling like a sad lump yourself. I know. But it’s not over boo. You can turn things around, just don’t try to build Rome in a night.

    Pick one small thing you can improve or change today, and celebrate that. Pick a second thing tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. Before
    you know it, you’ll feel a lot better. Sending hugs 💜

  5. It is never too late to change your lifestyle. As what they have said “change is the only constant in this world” Just take one step a time. You can do it!

  6. Totally not me .. thank god !! Yes the government provoked me to die and sets me up for failure and asked people to go on witch hunts behind me.. but all that will end soon when I move to Canada or London forever .. end of this year ..

    Atleast I am not bitter in life nor do I have any regrets ..

    And Atleast I will have the most awesome successful life ever next year on .. after moving to Vancouver or London ..

    So really, thank god this is not me .. I feel sorry for you though

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