Where would humanity be If, since the beginning of time, there was no subjugation of your sex? If women were encouraged to explore and were educated in any pursuit of interest to them?

  1. There’s no way to know that. Where would we be if slavery had never existed? Where would we be if poverty and wealth inequality wasn’t an issue? Where would we be if all of the world’s genocides hadn’t occurred? Where would we be if humans were more supportive and cooperative without oppressing and subjugating others? Who knows, but we’ve lost a lot of opportunities as a species to be sure.

  2. The only thing I feel confident about is that there would be a lot less of us. In most (every?) western country the birth rate is on the decline because women finally feel empowered to do other things but have children.

    And therefore we wouldn’t have made as much progress as a species. Simply because less people means a slower timeline surely?

    I do genuinely think the world would be a happier place with more women (and therefore less men) in positions of power…

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