As of a few weeks ago, i have had a strong urge to urinate immediately after masturbation, this has gone on for a few days in a row now and is starting to become concerning, the urination afterwards burns a bit but not too much to the point that it is painful, and i cannot tell if there is any semen in the urine, but most of the time it doesn’t seem so. Does anyone know if this is a urinary tract / bladder problem or if it will just go away?

  1. Speaking from personal experience;

    I occasionally get what feels like an overstimulated bladder (Gotta pee all the time) for a few days if i masturbate a lot, and hold for post-cum. In general it seems to help if i pee as soon as the penis is soft again.

    At any point, I will always encourage seeing a professional if there’s something you’re worried about, but this could be a similar problem whatever it is – i’ve never had it checked it, but it also doesn’t hurt for me, suggesting your problem could be another issue.

  2. Are you masturbating with soap or something other than proper lube (or dry)? If you get something irritating in your urethra, it will burn and feel like you need to pee.

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