So I (f25) have this friend (f30) for about four years now. We know each other pretty well, did a lot of things together and are, in my opinion, rather close friends. But maybe my impression is a little bit flawed.

Anyway, a few days ago she messaged me that she was planning a trip with her friends to her home country and if I wanted to join. I asked about further details and if they had already booked something. Her answer was “Well, me and friend X already booked, friend Y and her boyfriend and friend Z and her boyfriend are supposedly coming too and one more friend is pending”. To me, that sounds like I was definitely the last person to be invited and that the trip was already planned some time before. Although the invitation by itself is a good thing I guess, it still makes me feel a little sad. Especially since she already invited me to her home country a few years ago and that didnt happen and also last year she planned another trip but ditched me for another friend. Sometimes I feel like I am at the mercy of her spontaneous changes of mind. So I dont know if I should tell her any of that or if that would make me sound like a buzzkill and I should just be happy about the invitation. I have some experiences with being left out of friend groups and always being asked last about events so I guess thats why that conversation was a little bit triggering to me….hope I dont sound too dramatic haha

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