Commemorating the day Lee surrendered to Grant and the Civil War ended?

  1. That’s not the end of the civi war though and no. I think Election Day should before most other possibilities.

  2. Nah, no use picking at old wounds, that’s what the lost causers do and they fucking suck.

  3. “Federal holiday” doesn’t really mean anything. It’s not like private businesses are going to give their employees that day off.

  4. It’s my birthday, so yes. I think the whole nation should celebrate the day of my birth.

  5. I don’t care. Wouldn’t make a difference to me I still gotta get up and go to work holiday or not.

  6. Nothing about the civil war should be celebrated, there were no winners. Of course the slaves being freed was good, but that was due to an amendment later, and not directly due to the war ending.

  7. I think we have enough war related ones but im not opposed to more federal holidays in general.

  8. I don’t really see a need for a federal holiday commemorating this. We don’t have a federal holiday for when Cornwallis surrendered to Washington at Yorktown. It just seems like there’s far better reasons to have a federal holiday than for something like that. Why not make voting day a federal holiday so that voting is an easier practice?

  9. We could mark that day but the that was when most of the fighting stopped. There were still Confederate forces in the field such as Johnston’s which didn’t surrender until April 26. Confederates still surrendered throughout May and June and it took until June for Federal forces to successfully enact the Emancipation Proclamation where it could be enacted. And president Johnson didn’t declare the war over until August 20, *1866*. So while I can see the importance of recognizing the end of most of the fighting with Lee’s surrender I’d argue that if we were to recognize a day it would be August 20 because at the end of the day the War of the Rebellion was more than just Lee’s army vs. The Army of the Potomac. It involved most of the nation and fighting and insurrection continued throughout the former CSA into early 1866

  10. We should have Election Day, along with other religious holidays. We get Christmas, but Good Friday should be included as well.

  11. We don’t need a reminder who won the civil war. Besides the civil war isn’t something to *celebrate*, it was an appalling bloodbath.

  12. Sure, it’s my Son’s birthday, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind a day off on his birthday.

  13. Considering most of us had no idea what the date signified before we read it in this post, I’d say it’s not very high on the list of potential new holidays.

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