This applies to almost everyone and every situation or intent. When your being too nice, clinging on to people you can make them feel uncomfortable pretty quickly and they might not be that interested in you. It shows you are dependent on them and your unsecure without them, it shows you don’t wanna offend them and you really want them to like you.

When you say no sometimes, don’t do everything your crush tells you to do like some guys do and negging people from time to time, playfully making fun of them without offending them (when they are an asshole to you can also offend them), it shows your secure, you are independent from them and you are also special and your selecting with whom you are hanging out. This automatically creates attraction for people because they now naturally want you to like them. You are turning the situation around for you.

Most important though is that you talk to people. If you don’t do this they won’t notice you and this naturally won’t work at all.


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