My ex GF (26f) keep messaging and asking me to send her things than disappear

Long story to explain but I’ll explain some of it.

Me 25m and my EX been talking off and on throughout the year, there would be time where I’d send her money, food, things for her cat etc. She had moved a state away so we pretty much stayed in contact with each other. She told me recently that she plans on moving back this summer.

So sometimes before Christmas my ex went through almost the whole entire month without speaking to me and only wishing me a “Merry Christmas” on messenger, on New Years I posted on my Facebook “Happy New Years for everyone and she liked my post at some point than removed the like for some odd reasons. She message on day and ask me to send her $10 in which I did

So around the beginning of the month she reached out to me again and we talked about things and she told me she wanted a gaming console and was wondering do I still play my PS4 since I got a new Xbox. I promise her I’d give it to her whenever I get a chance to get to a post office. Since than she been messaging me alot about it.

She also complains alot about her job and things

Recently I notice she’s been wanting to talk less and less again. Like she always cut our phones conversation short or not messaging me for days. Last night she asked me send her a little bit of money and once I sent it she started leaving me on “read” again.

What should I do when it comes to her? And yes I do still have feelings for her

  1. When someone is only around when they want something from you and isn’t around when they don’t want something from you, that means that they’re using you.

    Stop sending her money and giving her things.

  2. Sounds like she’s using you man, it can be a tough pill to swallow but I suggest cutting her off or at least not send her anymore money

  3. You should know better than this. Why are you sending her money? Think about that, then after you justified it in your head, think about the principle of it. Then, after you justified it again, think about what your father would think of this situation. What would he say to you? You’re not even good enough for a conversation to her, you’re just an ATM. Get some self respect brotha, and good luck

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