I don’t have anything going for me. I have an average personality, I am 5’8, and I have a baby face. I am down to 155 pounds and my face has slimmed down a little. I can carry a conversation with just about anyone but so can a lot of guys. What separates them from me is that a lot of guys have the edge when it comes to physical appearance. I don’t think I will ever get to that point where I would approach a woman in public and start a conversation with her. I have relied heavily on dating apps. I’m turning 33 in less than two months and I have accepted it that I will probably never approach a woman. I will never be that confident.

  1. I am a gangly scruffy unkempt man, I have zero game at bars, and often don’t pay attention to my surroundings when speaking my mind. Always putting my foot in it. My personal hygiene is meh, never had a new vehicle, I haven’t had a traditional job or career, border line narcissistic behavior, and a small dick, but somehow I date randomly, in the wild too no less. I think that eye contact and a real smile has worked best for me, cause I have no pick up skills,

  2. Come on man stop being so down on yourself. I used to do the same shit all the time after a while of destroying my self esteem I realized it was all in my head.

    If you wanna change things in your life, start today. It’ll take a while yeah, but if alot of women shit on you for your height I say f*** them. They wouldn’t be good to or for you anyways. But if you are that worried physically get jacked or cut, when you are in damn decent shape for a man your age and you are stable, a decent man, masculine, and got your shit handled you will begin out competing plenty of people.

    Most people are average, that’s why we got the word average. Stop shitting on yourself if you are average there’s nothing wrong with it, but if you work daily to be better even if it’s just one thing then that’s something to be admired.

    And tbh the hardest part isn’t approaching, it’s being able to get a conversation started and going. And that my friend is where you sound like you are ahead of most people.

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