To preface this, I f20 went into the dating scene to put myself out there and experience things that I have shut myself out to the last couple years. I’m in my early twenties so I didn’t want to settle into a serious relationship while I’m sewing my wild oats. With that being said, I met a guy who said he M27 usually only into hookups, and I told him I wasn’t so it was best to just part ways. He then said that’s not all he was looking for, that if there is potential for more he will pursue it. I said im just letting whatever happens, happen.
Fast forward 3 amazing dates, we spend the night together and it was so much fun. Kind of like playing house. We were intimate with one other but that wasn’t even the best part, it was us being able to lay with each other. To see him comfortable around me. It felt like we’re dating. Which of course leads me into this next part.
About 3 weeks ago he says he likes me and likes spending time with me but isn’t ready to commit. I then replied im not either im just confused on what we are. At this point we have not had sex
Fast forward to this 4th date, we are enjoying each others time and i genuinely loved being able to cuddle with him as much as we did. I asked him a hypothetical, if we were both ready for a serious relationship would he pursue me and he said yes. He can see himself doing that. There was one thing he was worried about which is our age gap. Not really a big deal. He then made comments about our future plans. Like one where he Jokingly says we should adopt a dog together.

I still talk to other guys but I wouldn’t pursue a relationship with any of these guys. I really truly wanted to be single. But then I met him and he’s my exception. He seems like he likes me a whole damn lot. But it also seems like he doesn’t want to be with me exclusively. Or not me specifically, he’s not ready to have a relationship with anyone.

But then I swear I get this gut feeling he feels the same way that I do and wants to drop everyone else for each other. But then what if I’m being delusional and I bring it up but he really isn’t ready for a relationship and I ruin what we have now. What do I do ??? Help lol

1 comment
  1. He directly said he only wants hookups…then said he would have a relationship… know what a f***boy is ?

    I mean perhabs..everybody would want a relationship if its the perfect person but in this case….

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