In a nutshell, I want to move out of my house-share. I hate the house and can’t relax around my housemates. I dread going home and often make plans to avoid it. I want to use my break-clause at 6 months but because of the nature of our contract, it will mean the others need to sign a brand-new contract with anyone new who moves in. The landlord uses the opportunity of a new contract to raise the rent (he wants to raise it by at least £300).

I know that I don’t owe these people and technically it’s not my fault if the landlord decides to raise the rent but I feel bad and I have to have a “house chat” with the others on Wednesday and it’s going to be 3 against 1. I had originally said I would do 1 year but now that I have lived here for 4 months I really don’t want to.

**Looking for tips and advice for these difficult conversations as I always end up caving to whatever makes the other party happy.**

1 comment
  1. You don’t owe them shit, especially not your happiness. Carry out your end of the legal agreement and leave when you can. Your land lord’s policies are not worth your own well-being.

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