I’m 31 now and feeling like I’m lacking a bit of direction outside of my job so I’m curious to hear what you guys are working towards.

  1. My current goal is fitness related: the 1,000 pound club (combined total max for the three major lifts: squat, deadlift, and bench press). I’m currently at like ~900 lbs

  2. Qualify for, and run in the Boston Marathon.

    further develop woodworking skills to the point I can build furniture for around the house

  3. I’d like to play a round of golf at par.

    Mostly fitness and social things, since my career is pretty well wrapped up at this point. Need something to obsesses about may as well be golf.

  4. At this point? Try to look less pregnant. Probably should try to not let my heart explode, because fatass.

  5. Wanting to slim down *I’m typing this as I eat a bowl of ice cream* smh
    Desiring to get back on my skateboard is another goal of mine.
    Above all, traveling. Despite everything that is going on in the world, I desire to travel.

  6. Finish a Duolingo subject

    Get better at my current recreational sport ( Sambo)

    Camp in the wilderness more

    Listen to more music

    More hiking

    Develop a reading habit

  7. Play around on my boat atleast 1 weekend per month

    Go camping once per year

    Go to a multi day music festival once per year

    Have drinks-food with friends a few times per quarter

  8. – Meet unknown family members. Due to early life circumstances, there are a lot of members of my family that I’ve never met. I want to change that.
    – Learn more languages. English is my native tongue but I also speak Spanish (nowhere close to native). I’ve met people and made friends I wouldn’t have otherwise, and I’ve been able to connect with family members who have spouses who speak Spanish natively. I want to improve my Spanish, I want to learn Mandarin Chinese (incidentally, my family tree traces back to China), and I want to be able to speak one language from some of the main language families.
    – Travel. This goes hand in hand with the first and second things. A lot of people like to travel to see places, but I’ve realized that I prefer to connect with people. Places are cool but they’re just places.

    Eventually I want to live somewhere else entirely. Take my money and just fuck off.

    I used to have music-related goals as I’m a musician, but that comes and goes.

  9. Almost 50 and I plan to ride my bicycles 10,000 miles this year (up from almost 6000 last year). 200 miles per week and I have been consistent so far. Set plans, not goals.

  10. I play guitar and I would love to make an album some day. Don’t have any of the proper equipment, just my amp, guitars, and the recorder on my phone, but I have been doing research on equipment. I’m still debating if I want to do mainly covers or my own stuff.

  11. I literally have none.

    I want to create a real estate portfolio that pays me enough to move to a warm beach where I can live in a small house and swim in the ocean every day

  12. Make 100k profit in trading in one year. Master Spanish and Portuguese, become confident in Chinese. Read 50 peer reviewed articles. Train the rest of the squirrels in my yard to come to me, sit with me and eat from my hands. Train more hummingbirds to greet me and feed from my handheld feeder, and let me bathe them. Train the other two Stellar Jays to greet me and eat from my hand. Jump rope, non stop, for 30 mins. Lose 6 more lbs by Aug. Finish my quilt by Oct. Read 4-5 books a month; share with family and friends. I am learning to recognize and express moments of love and gratitude. I want to become stronger in this, love up on my kids and partner. Gain a second citizenship, gaining a second passport. Continue to improve my handwriting. (This one has been surprisingly impactful.)

  13. My main long term goal is starting my own business and hopefully gaining full independence from my parents.

  14. Prospect for enough gold to make my wife a ring. Also find precious (but more likely semi-precious) stones to set in said ring.

    I’ve found probably 1/2 a gram. I’ll need 5-6 probably. A ways to go still. But I think I’ve found some black garnets, and possibly a red one that will be good enough.

  15. Get healthier, of course. Become a better orator, because I want to become a master storyteller of scary stories. And possibly learn 2-3 more languages.

  16. Build a house.

    Get a potter’s wheel and start making some plates and cups.

    Build a chicken coop and collect their eggs in the morning.

  17. I just bought a house last winter, so I’m planning out updates in small phases. Almost done refinishing the floors on my own!

  18. Find love again, I’m 45 a single father, my boy lives with me, my ex took everything except him.

    Find a great lady who loves me 😃

  19. 34m. Life goals for the near future (next 2ish years): quit smoking, get driving license, dig myself out of debt (only a couple months away from this!!). Hopefully start a family (kids) with my current partner. Continue to support my family while my father dies and help my mum as much as humanly possible after he passes. Continue to work on my mental and physical health (this one is life-long!!) 🙂

  20. Break free from unhealthy coping mechanisms and patterns of behavior, find the woman of my dreams to marry, buy a farm just outside of the city, have a couple of kids and help guide them into having healthy, fulfilling lives with the skills that were never developed in me when I was growing up (emotional intelligence, financial independence, spirituality, etc.).

  21. I want to refit the house i grew up in to be 100% self sufficient, with solar panels, rain water harvesting, and grow food. Hopefully find a nice lady to come live here with me and my son.

  22. My goal going forward is to see what I am capable of mentally, spiritually, and physically. I know that’s vague, but that’s kind of the point. Just to continue working to constantly grow and be better than I was yesterday.

  23. I went balls to the wall with school. Working on a dual doctoral degree. Started from scratch at 29. Now a year away from my doctor of pharmacy degree, and three years from a PhD. Trying to become a pharmaceutical scientist and develop new drugs to change some lives for the better.

  24. 1. Get a “Side Hustle” where I can help people from developing countries study abroad in Europe (Not looking for financial gain)
    2. Play Mozart’s Concerto 23, arrangement for piano solo, in its entirety.
    3. Bach Tocatta in E minor (That freaking fugue will take me a year).

    4. Git Gud at Gwent: Witcher Card Game

    5. Compose an arragement for a piano student.

    6. Visit and Hike ( no train) to Machu Pichu

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