What if a woman is brushing her teeth suddenly she had to help you or someone so she quickly partially washed her mouth and drooled on something while helping in front of you. How would you think about her.

  1. r/oddlyspecific

    But, to be honest, wouldn’t really affect my opinion – everyone has moments!

  2. This post feels generated by AI lmao

    I would think nothing negative. It’s so minor and insignificant.

  3. That’s like spitting out a mouthful of something laughing. The guy thinks its cute.

  4. When framed that way? I’d honestly feel a bit flattered she put her own stuff to the side to help me so quickly/readily.

    In practice? I imagine by the time we reached that point it wouldn’t even register to me, it’s the normal level of comfort between us.

  5. Are we going to just gloss over that this woman is clearly practicing and prioritizes oral hygiene, because as much as I’d definitely laugh I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t be turned on and probably about to brush my teeth on impulse… taking care of yourself is attractive.

  6. I would think it’s kinda gross but I also wouldn’t ask her to drop everything and run over to help me unless it’s some type of emergency. Also, I find this a pretty strange question.

  7. If it was a legit emergency then I wouldn’t think anything but how to clean up after she helped. If it didn’t seem like one to me, worst I might think is she’s a bit of a worrier. There are much worse things.

  8. A woman who doesn’t take herself too seriously immediately goes up 2 notches on the attractiveness scale

  9. The “what do you think about a man/a woman who…” scenarios get weirder and weirder by the day. 99% of what specific situations we do something are insignificant. 99% of all traits observed individually are not enough to make any conclusive judgements from.

    Why are people suddenly overthinking these things so much recently? What changed?

  10. So, this just happened, then?

    I wouldn’t give a shit. I may laugh, because it’s drool, but it wouldn’t change my opinion of her. Hell, shared hilarity may even make me like her more.

  11. I am going to assume this is a rip on the many overly specific trap questions we get here

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