
I have been dating a man ( 56) who has 4 grown children ( 1 son age 35 and 3 daughters ( age 30,26, 23)) from his marriage to a someone who suffers from alcoholism, he is been divorced for a long time, about 18yrs. He was a single father and raised the children on his own pretty much as his ex wife was/is still struggling with addiction and never was able to hold a job, currently is on disability. The oldest daughter is bipolar and she has had an addiction issue. She never completed high school ,never was employed for more than few weeks at the time, and had multiple relationships, had been in jail this past summer and had 2 kids whom she abandoned somewhere in the Midwest. ( we are on the East coast) . Every time she got into trouble her Dad bailed her out. Ever since I have been dating him ( about 6 yrs now) he always paid for her, he bought 2 cars, insurance, rent when she had the relationship with the father of her 2 kids. Currently my boyfriend helps financially the father of her kids and the kids which were abandoned. She lost both cars while on a joy across the country , she was sexed trafficked and vanished last year for a few months, somewhere in NV or CO. Police went on alert she re-surfaced somehow she was arrested in July for missing some court dates and her Dad paid her bail. She returned to East coast in the fall. My boyfriend decided not to continue to enable her and not give her money anymore. On New years Night she tried to commit suicide and ended up in ICU , doctors suspect she tried to drink antifreeze. She is in really bad shape ( lost leg and kidneys are not functioning). This drama is something I really do not want to have in my life. He is a great guy but the fact that he has this huge problem with his daughter it affects our relationship. he is not happy , I know he cannot be happy it is his child after all and he loves her but i feel that my life is also affected by this its not a good spot to be in. Several times I tried to break up ( main reason was that i knew he is not emotionally free, he is always in a state of worry , the high anxiety causes him to binge drink , which I don’t like , i know he does it when i am not around). I love him but I cannot see future where my life constantly is touched by this mess. every time his daughter did something , i was hoping she will get help or get her stuff together. I am thinking of ending things because the future with him will be very sad, not very bright. I feel guilty because I feel sad for him and have a lot of empathy but those problems are never ending. I am a bad person to reason this way?

  1. WTF no your are not that is hardcore stuff and if you cant UNDERSTANDABLY live with it then yeah go.

    People want to end a relationship because people use the wrong emojis…..ands then stuff like that omg.

    I cant even understand that you didnt go insane from living in this circumstances. OMG….Im realy sorry for all of you

  2. It comes down to this. A relationship is a place for you to feel joy, feel stronger, and be safe. Occasionally there is a bit of rough with the good in life. This is not that.

    Charity is where we might put extra time or money or care into someone else’s problems. As we can afford to.

    Throwing the whole of your life down the drain after someone else’s sorrows is not a win for you, or really anyone.

    It’s possible to care for the guy and sympathise with him. That doesn’t mean you should be involved with him. You’re not a living NGO. You’re a person who deserves to have a life not blackened by others tragedies.

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