This kind of feels like it was out of movie but I just had one of the most memorable nights of my life the other day.

I was visiting Buenos Aires for a week and a half and had a blast. I noticed I was getting more attention from women the whole week then I’ve gotten in my whole life. I have absolutely no clue why.

Anyways, my very last night, only hours before I am set to leave the country, all my friends crash. I wanted to make the very best of this city I’d spent the last 10 days in. I went out and for some reason felt particularly confident. long story short I walk into a club and order a drink and take a seat. There is this objectively attractive woman. Lots of guys are trying to talk to her and she gives ME the eye from across the room. I approach her. we spoke, danced, and made out until the club closed. The night has already exceeded the bar I have set for a great night.

We left the club with her friends and we all go grab a bite to eat and hang. she spoke broken english and I spoke just as broken spanish but we made it work. eventually she asks me what I want to do. I asked if she had a place. We ended up having enjoyable sex. It was honestly not the best sex of my life, nor hers, if I had to guess. But it was still pretty good and we both had some hot moments. She also looked great naked. It was awesome.

We parted ways and kissed goodbye. I caught an uber to my airbnb grabbed my bags and made my way to the airport. Within only three hours of laying naked with her and caressing her naked body as the sun rose over the beautiful streets of Buenos Aires, I was on board a flight heading over 5,000 miles away.

While with her two things happened that stuck out to me.
1. She gave me her number to, as she put it, “stay in contact”, and
2. Said she hopes that I will return to Buenos Aires one day.

I didn’t think too much of this. Not until a day and a half later, I realized she was just on my fucking mind maaan. I hit her up.

We texted for a about thirty mins and had a bit of good conversation. Eventually she quit responding. Ik it’s not practical and I’m being a lil sensitive, but feelings are feelings man.

Idk what I’m asking but I just wish she felt the longing I do. I know it could never work, but Idk I guess I’d like the mutual desire even if it meant that things were not going to work out.

Who’s been there?

tl;dr: I had sex with a woman and left her country hours later. Now I’m simping pretty fucking hard.

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