what’s your “I can’t believe that worked!” story?

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  1. I was buying clothes online while inpatient in a psych hospital. I’d had a meds adjustment, been put on Seroquel (iykyk), and was… off my face. The website was having a 40% off sale for nurses to thank them for their work during rona. I thought “wow, what a cool idea”, and then immediately forgot all about it, because there was a cool shiny skirt with stars on it. So like 10 minutes later, my room is starting to spin, and I’m ready to check out on the website. It’s asking my name, address, the usual shit. But then there’s a box asking “Hospital: “. I am in a hospital. I don’t know how they know that, but who am I to argue with a website? So I put the name of the hospital I’m in. It gives me 40% off. In my drug addled state, I assume that’s because the magic website not only knows I’m in a hospital, but knows it’s a psych hospital, and feels bad for me. Thank you, magic website.

    The next day, when I got a shipping email and remembered what I’d done, I was **amazed** that all they wanted was the name of a hospital for this discount. I’d have assumed there was a different way; one that didn’t rely on people to be honest, or to not be drugged out of their minds 😅

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