My (24f) boyfriends (25m) brother (30m) makes inappropriate jokes at me?

My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years. Whenever I’m with my boyfriend and hanging out with his brother, his brother often makes weird jokes about being the next brother to sleep with me. Sometimes the jokes are a lot more subtle, like he will say something along the lines of looking forward to spending time alone together or something.

I know it sounds inappropriate when I write it out, but I must tell you it’s a lot more subtle and confusing in real life. His personality is pretty edgy so it almost doesn’t seem out of character and therefore it just kind of slides.

Another example, when we were alone for a moment he gets sort of uncomfortable and doesn’t know what to talk about so he goes to the jokes. He said something about if my boyfriend wasn’t in the picture he’s there. Again, I have to say, he’s saying this whilst laughing and purposely trying to be funny – so it doesn’t come off as creepy just a little socially awkward.

The weird part is we will actually have fun together and tease each other, like proper friends, but then sometimes when we’re alone he will ignore me or act cold.

I’m starting to think he actually just hates me and doesn’t like me being around. I’m not sure what’s going on, but it can go from being a really fun hang out all together to feeling borderline weird.

I don’t know what to do or say, I’m scared to make things weird between brothers if I complain about it. But I don’t want my boyfriends brother to hate me, that would be a dysfunctional relationship in the making.

TLDR. Boyfriends bro might hate me, not sure how to handle his weird jokes and if I should say something.

  1. I would talk to your boyfriend about it, Op. Tell him specific instances and how they make you feel. Ask HIM how he thinks you should approach it. If he tells you it’s just his brothers way of being funny and joking, say, I guess, but it makes me uncomfortable. How do YOU think I should handle it besides ignoring him?

    Good luck, Op!

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