Yes I know I shouldn’t have. But this weird naggy gut feeling kept telling me he was lying about something and I just didn’t know what. He’s been accusing me of cheating etc when I do nothing I don’t even go out. He keeps questioning if I actually love him which makes me question him if he loves me does that make sense?

Anyways I found a chat of him and his best girl friend that never liked me. He always praised her and said she was cool and what not. Through their chat I found out he was contacting his ex while on a trip away from our home town, was hitting on girls/trying to cheat but they weren’t down. During this time away it was also my birthday and he yelled at me profusely for going out late one night (went to a friends after party from the club – to add some context it was my friends married friends place we were all just hanging out).

I was supposed to meet his best girl friend on an upcoming trip so he said to her to not mention anything/bring up what happened on the trip and she said she got it.

He also lied to me about going on a guys night this weekend, he actually took her and her friends out then met up with the other guys later. I was home alone waiting for him to come back from this bro/work talk.

Anyways, I’m going on a two week trip in an hour with my family, he wanted to take care of my dog meanwhile and I have stuff here as we live together. I really don’t have energy to fight and no energy to start my vacation off moving my things and my dog right now.

What should I do? Please keep in mind I’m really mentally broken down. I have been yelled at a lot and really lost and confused as to what I keep doing wrong to upset him

  1. I think you already know what to do.

    I think it’s probably your subconscious self helping you out. Now you have the truth, AND you have a couple days to digest it and decide what you want to do about it before you’re forced to deal with him.

    I suggest that you listen to your gut, which was evidently right in not trusting him, and let him continue to act single, since that’s apparently what he’s doing behind your back anyway. Just my two cents. Use your vacation to strategize breakup.

  2. You need to talk to him. About what you saw otherwise, he will be in a lying relationship that you don’t trust, and I will just get worse. So talk to him if you love him talk to him.

  3. Wait until after the trip to break up. Last thing you need is him starting fights or calling begging to take him back while you’re trying to enjoy yourself.

  4. Even without going through his phone – you do not need to be with someone who yells at you for going out “late”. He’s not your father and you’re not a child. Dump him

  5. Him and his “best girl friend” are both shady people. She helps him cheat/ try to cheat and is possibly sleeping with him to. It’s hard to think about right now, but you will eventually get past the feelings and be happy about leaving him. There are plenty of fish in the sea.

  6. Hit send too fast. You might also want to tell him that you know he has been trying to cheat and you know he failed. Tell him that the telltale sign of a cheater is someone who accusers their partner of cheating because they assume everyone is liar like them.

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