Hey so recently when I was traveling in bus I got into a heated argument,but when the other person was talking I didn’t seems to reply much,but after some time when both of our stop got near I tried to confront him,but got somehow irrelevant.He was smaller then me thinner then me and much much older then me.40 something.
How do I build a habit of instant replies ?

  1. Practice. Get into arguments a lot. You’ll develop this skill over time. If you get into these arguments once every few months, you’ll be rusty.

  2. Don’t waste your time arguing with people. Most of the time you will not
    convince them of anything even if you’re right.

  3. Age and practice I was just like you when I was younger, probably a little too hot headed tbh, nowadays I just keep calm and respond with stuff like “That’s an interesting opinion but I don’t think I agree” and let the other person make an ass of themselves, Or I keep quiet and just give a discounting statement like “I’m pretty sure you arent the person to make that call” or a simple “no”.

    Its a great way to win and still be relatively nice but still a dick if you need to be, also theres no point in delivering an epic movie like verbal smackdown when you argue with someone, save that shit for speeches.

  4. In an argument the best approach is often “the grey rock” give minimal responses, flatten your voice, be the grey rock. The other person will likely get frustrated with your approach and just move on to something else.

  5. The thing about arguing with strangers, especially with heated arguments is it often ends in violance.

    You likely won’t win a fight against any man unless you are trained, and even then a good chance you won’t win.

    Don’t argue with strangers, it’s not worth the danger, man or woman.

  6. I calm the Fuck down real quick and i Start making fun of the Guy i am debating with usually this mind trick works and worst case scenario they try to get physical which make me laugh more

  7. Why do you want to be better at arguing? What are you, a barking dog?

    Who cares, if you decide to do something, do it, but yelling will not accomplish anything.

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