If you were a woman, how would you approach online dating?

  1. You will do worse online dating than you will in real life dating. I think that’s pretty much universal.

  2. Get a bottle of aspirin for the headaches and frustrations , and the thing from Men in Black to erase from your memory the incoming dick pics that desperate men will be sending that for some reason they still think that most women want.

    Also know all your local court sites to look up their criminal history if your state provides it like mine

  3. In a hazmat suit and only after getting vaccinated for every contagious disease I could.

    Just the sheer number of dick pics they get is enough to put me off, let alone the entitled “nice guys” who think they’re owed female attention. Online dating is pretty shitty for everyone, but it’s certainly I infinitely safer for women.

  4. Figure out what you want and go for it.
    Be appreciative, supportive and expect same in return. IF not reciprocated move on.

    If the man you are interested does something wrong let him know right away and only once. If behavior not corrected move on.

    Best of luck.

  5. If I was a woman I’d probably not need to online date, it would be a secondary backup if I couldn’t find a guy at the bar/club/events.

    This would be assuming I wasnt transformed into a truly unfotunate looking person e.g losing weight won’t help.

  6. I wouldn’t. You’re going to meet more “real” people in real life.

    Online you might skip someone because of their looks when in real life if they talked to you and and smiled, you might have a different opinion.

    Online you’re competing with 80% of other women for 20% of the top men

  7. If it’s for sex pretty easily women can get laid anytime they want. I’d be able to get some in like the first hour. For an Actual relationship just be honest and look good all that jazz.

  8. Knowing what I know about guys, I would not approach online dating at all as a woman.

    I would just be blatantly obvious to the ones I liked that I wanted them to pursue me and get to know them from there.

    It’s gotta be incredibly hard for women though. Most men don’t want to get to know them, they just want to have sex. So how do you know which ones are really interested and which ones aren’t? Just not something I have the slightest idea about.

  9. Like the disease it is. Dudes sending random dick picks, people who like hook-ups, infantile relationships, players and those who’ve developed a pattern of thinking that after meeting you – there’s someone better 1 swipe away.

  10. I can’t imagine or know how they think as i myself don’t think like most dudes but if i was i would Cherry pick those losers 🤣

  11. What are my intentions?

    If I’m looking for a *casual relationship or hookup*

    – Take pictures of myself wearing something revealing or just a bath robe.
    – Maybe a shot of cleavage or ass pic with duck face
    – Get a nose ring piercing
    – For the bio mention certain keywords like “looking to have fun”, “keep it casual”, something related to horoscopes, etc

    If I’m looking for a *serious relationship* I can go with 2 different approaches.

    1.) Pure feminine Homemaker vibe.

    – Cute but not slutty fashion, probably mostly dresses. Sundresses if I really want to blow dudes minds. Form flattering but not enticing.
    – Some make up but not overdone
    – Pictures of myself cooking or with kids to scare away fuckboys.
    – Flowers in the hair.
    – Picture of myself at a wedding, church or other family-friendly social event.
    – For the bio, use key words like, “life partner” or “soulmate”

    2.) I’m a practical gal vibe.

    – Cute but not slutty again.
    – More practical unisex wear particularly in my hobbies, it doesn’t matter if it’s a farming, mechanic, potter, painter. If I could look cute in an overall even better. Jeans, jackets & boots.
    – Slightly messy or losely tied hair.
    – At least one picture of myself all dressed up for a formal event to prove that I can clean up good.
    – Little to no make up but not ignoring skin-care and eyebrow grooming.
    – For the bio, I can include some fun humour and some sarcasm. “I’m looking for a partner in crime to… (insert clever line here).

    Just some ideas.

  12. Same as I do now. I’d make my profile as polarizing as possible. Mention dealbreakers that keep men I don’t want to associate with away. Say I’m a feminist, maybe mention CRT, put something sex-positive in there. Either through text or pictures.

    Then state my intentions.

    If I have two matches, I’d vet those before swiping more. So that I don’t run into the problem of being overwhelmed by messages. If some guy says anything weird or if the vibe seems a bit off, delete the match/block the number.

    I’m in a poly relationship and my girls uses this approach very successfully. Though she takes it one step further and states that she will only swipe on guys who super-liked her profile to weed out people who swipe right on everyone. So maybe I’d include that as well.

  13. I wouldn’t, most guys just want sex off the dating apps and most women are expecting Prince Charming. It’s never seems to work out for either party

  14. I wouldn’t. I would just create good, amiable relations with guys I like, then ask one out. At least from what I know of guys, a girl has a much better shot of asking out a guy and succeeding than vice versa. There are tons of guys who will go out with anyone who approaches them first, even guys who on first glance look like they would have many options. Granted I had at minimum average looks.

    Also, OLD just isn’t safe. It is wild that women understand the dangers of it yet do it anyways if they have the options not to. I get I should EXPECT that guys won’t be psycho lunatics when we meet in person, but the reality is that the consequence of an unfortunate lapse in my judgement of someone’s character is something I will have to deal with, should things go south. I would just avoid it if at all possible.

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