Is it just me, or do other people have this issue? I can’t focus on anything in social situations, whether it be the conversation, a game we’re playing, even a movie we’re watching. I can’t pay attention bc I find I’m so lost in my head about things I’ve done wrong, how awkward I’m being in the moment, what someone is thinking about me, how stupid all of these thoughts are, etc. Can’t figure out why my brain does this and it makes me feel unintelligent, I wonder if I’m the only one.

  1. I have the same issue and I want to address this as well. I have been reading and watching about social anxiety and they advice “exposure therapy”. However, I don’t know where to go or what to do. Posting this comment took time for me because my brain is telling me that I can be judged by what I will say. But I guess this is my first step.

  2. Definitely feel this. Hard to be present when your brain is just telling you how weird or awkward you’re being. I do think exposure helps, and I’ve found that exposure in safe settings (like a therapy group) to be the most helpful. Also good to just be kind to yourself, give yourself a pat on the back for putting yourself out there, etc. Oh, and meditation can be good for reining in those racing thoughts!

  3. i have very similar anxiety but more like stage anxiety (stage panic). every single stimulus is too much and cant focus on the presentation i have to give, the words to use or the slides. all i think of is my my heart racing, my brain cloudiness, my awkward sweating body, my facial movements, people looking at me, how people will think im full of shit, etc. Propanolol (a beta blocker) has helped me to get through the physiological response and it eliminates the palpitations, the brain fog and the sweats, so i feel a bit better not having as many racing thoughts.

  4. I do this when I have to engage in public speaking or small talk with people I don’t know that well. It’s very common even tho it feels like ur the only one doing it. Once u accept it, it gets better. I fought my weirdness for so long. Just started embracing it and interestingly enough I don’t feel as “weird”. Who cares if people see u as intelligent or not. U know who u are.

  5. It’s not just you. And it makes it hard to do simple things which make you feel stupid and the problem compounds lol but once we can learn to get over ourselves we can think more clearly. We gotta learn how not to give a fuck

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