(Please forgive me for any spelling mistakes english isnt my first language)

I have been with my bf for nearly 3 years, everything had been great apart from some hiccups in the past but nothing to major. Him and I are in the same friend group. So we have this friend we are both close with. (we’ll call him Bob not real name) so a little while back I had an issue with the place I was staying at and it became unlivable for are a week and a half, I messaged my bf but wasn’t able to stay with him as he was out of town to work so I had no other place to go so I contacted Bob and ask if I could stay and he let me, that week and a half nothing happened just two people who weren’t that close just hanging out, we did get a little closer but more in a friend way than anything. So fast forward a little bit and everytime his room mates were away he invited me to stay over since my living situation wasn’t the best with my room mates and I always told my bf about me being over there (so don’t worry I never hid anything from him) didn’t have any feelings for him only a good friend, so last week he had a party at his house I went there my bf didn’t feel coming. After everyone went home he told me He was doing renovations to the lounge room I offered to help him, as a thank you for letting me stay, I ended up staying the night on the couch. I helped him with the renovations. Over the course of the 4 days of helping him something in our energy’s change it just felt so calming to be with him like I didn’t have ti worry about anything. I didn’t think much on it so I left it, fast forward 3 days after that we were going to a mutual friends house for acouple of drinks and since his house is far away I stayed at bobs on the couch and yes my bf knew and was ok with me staying over. So we went to the friends house had some drinks (probably abit to much) and had a swim in the pool. I don’t know if it was the drinks or anything but it felt like he kept looking at me and I was lock eyes with him and we would give a friendly smile to each other and look away. I couldn’t stop myself from looking either. Nothing much happened that night but it just felt like it we got so much closer and more comfortable around each other. The issue is I can’t stop thinking of him I know he most likely doesn’t see me that way. I really really enjoy spending time with him. But i still really love my bf I just don’t get that spark that I get with Bob it could of been that after being in a relationship for so long you kinda lose that spark a tiny bit. I would never cheat on my bf, but I been questioning some stuff but I don’t want to ruin my relationship over it.

TLDR I think I’m inlove with my bf friend

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