I’m 25 with little to no qualifications currently working a dead end job on minimum wage, I have a mortgage to pay for so going for an apprenticeship isn’t ideal as I couldn’t afford my house on apprentice wages what career could I possibly go for?

  1. IT infrastructure support, easy enough to get into ground level and enough self training materials out there, so if you apply yourself and read up you can go far. Source: how I got along in my career from age 25.

  2. Any job but keep perspectives high. I started in a warehouse and been “promoted” to recruitment (which I hate) where I stayed for 5 years now… you will almost always start from the bottom, but don’t take minimum wage unless you’re working for a charity or yourself…

  3. What do you love doing, as a hobby? Qualifications are only necessary in fields of work which require them. Some of them are actually not that hard to complete.

  4. AAT into ACCA could be fully qualified before 30 earning between £40k and £100k depending on where you live.
    Gets you a nice remote job too.

    Only downside is as an accountant you will have to fight off the women

  5. Read up and look into carpentry. There’s no professional qualifications required. Worth looking into. As plumbers and gas engineers etc require professional certifications which take time out of work to get and require up front capital. Also gardening; there’s a killing to be made for doing gardening work for older less mobile people who are wealthy and have huge gardens. A structural engineer I know left working as a structural engineer to become a gardener and made more as a gardener than he ever did as a structural engineer.

  6. Look into qualifications you can take whilst working in that field such at AAT, ATT, CISI etc.

    This plan will only work if you have some academic abilitiy.

    Failing that try and grow a business in your spare time and start to generate income. When it is high enough ditch the day job.

    Either option will require a few years hard work and commitment.

  7. Civil service apprenticeships pay well (probably 25k average, some higher some lower) and generally don’t need any qualifications

  8. In general, I’d say you can do anything. Do apprenticeships not pay a minimum wage?

    Ok, you have no qualifications, but if you get some qualifications surely that will open doors.

    Plenty of on the job learning roles, coding bootcamps, adult college courses, degrees at the open University.

    25 is nothing mate. I started training to be a lawyer at 30, yeah I hated and ended up doing something else but none the less, there is no age at which you can make a change.

    I know exactly what I would do in your position but it’s hard to say without knowing your personal circumstances what you can do and what you’re willing to do.

  9. Railway. Well paid for what it is and lots of benefits (for now). The current situation isn’t great but hopefully one day we’ll be back to how things were

  10. I was in the same boat and had serous offences and no qualifications. Got into IT at 26 was on 100k by 30

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