What is the first treat you like to buy when you get paid?

  1. I usually forget when I even get paid. I don’t usually spend it any differently than normal. Maybe get a drink or snack?

  2. I buy a treat food with the groceries, this month it will be halo top (peanut butter). Come on payday – I’m craving a peanut butter ice cream.

  3. If I have extra cash I like to invest it ๐Ÿ™‚ nothing like watching it turn into more money

  4. See’s Candies ๐Ÿ˜€

    Or a sticky toffee pudding from a British Pub called the Olde Ship (I treat my bf)

  5. Myself. I always put minimum 10% into investment account the same day I’m paid (automatically withdrawn), and another 5โ€“10% into emergency fund / short term cash account (also automatically).

    I rarely look at those accounts, so their accumulating balance comes as a surprise. Kinda like finding $5kโ€“$10k in your pockets while doing the wash.

    Paying myself first is the best treat I’ve ever given myself.

  6. Fortunately, I’m privileged enough to not be living paycheck to paycheck. And in my 20s, I would catch up on bills. I felt like I was always behind (I was, but that’s because my roommate boyfriend sucked).

  7. The stupid Starbucks mango dragonfruit lemonade. I know it’s overpriced and a waste of money, but..

  8. When I passed my probation period in 2012, I bought myself a really good iPad that still runs alright today. It’s slow and most apps don’t work as well anymore though.

  9. Thereโ€™s a local Indian Take Away shop that makes the nicest Beef Korma. That coupled with some Garlic Naan bread.

  10. Reload my Starbucks app with like $25 and go out to eat that night- tacos and a margarita usually

  11. Depends on what type of job Iโ€™m doing. If itโ€™s regular pay I usually save for vacations or get a nice dinner. If itโ€™s premium I might buy a luxury item.

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