For context I am 18F and he is 18M. We have been together for three years. Most of our fights stem from me not being satisfied with the amount of effort he puts. As his girlfriend, I love to make him happy and make him feel wanted and validated. I constantly tell him how much I love him, how much he means to me, and I show him through my actions too. I stay extremely loyal to him, don’t text/ talk to anyone but him, never flirt with anyone else and that’s because I prefer to keep it like that. I buy him random presents for fun, bring him food to his house when I get out of work, pay for our meals a lot, give him tons of physical intimacy even when I don’t feel like it, take interest in his hobbies, encourage him to do things with his life and way more. I also 90% of the time initiate our dates and wish he would initiate more (it makes me feel like he doesn’t want to see me) When I tell him that I would like him to put more effort or that something he did bothered me, he is always quick to say “what did I even do?” Or “can we talk about something else already?” Therefore, I have been anxious about expressing my feelings to him, and usually keep it in. This causes me to have built up anger towards him, as I feel like I cannot talk to him about anything about our relationship, and even when I ask him to put more effort in, he says he will, and then proceeds to do absolutely nothing. I am beginning to get tired of this. I love him, but I feel like I don’t get treated the way I would like to. I just wish for more romance from him and attention since he answer my texts quite late as well and doesn’t pick up the phone when I call him either. I also feel sexual deprivation, as in our three years together, I have never once finished during sex, and I make him finish all the time. Any advice please?

1 comment
  1. I’m assuming this is your first boyfriend (started dating at 15?). Move on girl. Three years is a long time for your first boyfriend.

    OR – teach him what works for you to make you finish, and you will both learn some valuable lessons you can take with you if you move on to other people.

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