I’m a 26 M, 6ft and weighing 245 pounds and I’m in the middle of losing weight and was wondering how much losing 20-50 pounds has impacted your sex life? Details would be nice haha

My main thing I’m hoping to gain is stamina. It’s hard for me to hold myself up for a long period of time. It would also be nice to lose this fat pad around my dick. Bone press I’m just over 6inches but this fat pad makes it look 5 and I hate it 😂😂😂

  1. I lost 13kgs last year and have noticed more stamina for sex and better able to hold uncomfortable positions for longer

  2. From another one who is on the same path, was close to 400 pounds, down to 300 at the moment. It has done a lot! More stamina, harder erection, easier to do several positions. Just being able to see my dick again is wonderful.

    My gf also says it’s gotten bigger, both length and girth (could be my jelqs doing that).

    My goal is around 220, I’m 6,3ft tall and very muscular and I don’t want to loose that.

    Keep it going! You’ll get there and a whole new sexlife to explore.

  3. I lost about 70 pounds. Physically my body was capable of a lot more. At least partly just because my fat parts were smaller, so they were less in the way. Also my dick seemed bigger because the fatty part was covering less of it. Definitely better overall stamina too. I didn’t notice any more sexual stamina though. My sex drive maybe went up a little, but not a ton. I’m in my late 30s so I imagine my testosterone is lower than it was when I was younger.

  4. Lost about 45 pounds and definitely increased my stamina and flexibility as well as making my penis appear larger due to losing some of the fat pad. Also I didn’t think my erections changed but my partner at the time told me my erections definitely felt better and harder after weight loss and becoming healthier

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