Years ago, I bought a dry erase calendar (basically a grid, and each month I’d fill in the month and dates), so that we could both use it to keep track of work schedules, appointments, planned dates, etc. It’s in the kitchen, visible from the living room, centrally located. Cute, functional, accessible. My husband loved the idea, and immediately started using it…for a month.

“So he didn’t actually find it helpful,” you might say. “No big deal.” I agree, stranger, that the calendar isn’t a big deal. It’s just a calendar, not everyone benefits from them, so I stopped asking him to use it.

I used it for my own personal use, keeping track of things I was doing. My job is appointment-based, so no two workdays are the same, ever.

Then, a text from him asking where I was when I was supposed to be home revealed that he did reference it. I found out he was referencing it all the time, scheduling gaming matches for when I was supposed to be home so I could watch the kids while he gamed. He loved being able to look up and see when to expect me home, what was scheduled for the month. He just didn’t extend that courtesy to me. It’s just a calendar, no big deal.

Today I bought a small agenda for my purse and erased the calendar. Now it’s just a grid. When will I be home? When I’m home. Same as him.

It’s not a big deal, just one of many signs that I’m mentally checking out.

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