Long story short, i never asked a girl out in person but recently my attraction towards a coworker was strong enough where i was willing to ask her out. Only thing i didn’t know was if she was single or not but like a day ago i met her on the bus while going to work and we were talking about stuff and she brought up her bf. Obviously will not persue her now that i know she has a bf. Glad i knew earlier because it could have been awkward if i asked her out when she has a bf 😅

I guess it just sucks because the one time i have the courage to ask a girl out in person they are already taken 🥲

  1. Oh man please, its been ages, and everyone has been saying since beginning, don’t ever ask someone out at work, hell ppl are saying don’t get laid at work. But no one listens haha, I have tried same thing. No problem though.

    But now, nah will never ask anyone from work if there are feelings. Will only reciprocate. I finally learn to place my work above stupid ass feelings, you should too.


  2. At least you know not to go there, but the fact that you were going to approach just shows that you are capable of asking a girl out in person.

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