around December 23rd I got a UTI and couldn’t get antibiotics for it until the 28th as my doctors had been closed due to christmas etc.
It was a 3 day course and after a day or two of finishing them I felt a lot better however I still felt the urge to pee but with no pain at all so I had brushed it off as nothing and continued having sex with my boyfriend again but then I began to notice that I bled after peeing, wiping light coloured blood.
So around January 5th I went to see my doctor and they took a urine sample from me and told me that it looks like the infection of the UTI I had was cleared up and sent me home with an STI test to which I handed in the morning after.
However, I haven’t heard anything back at all for a week now so I’m planning on asking about it when I go to the doctors however i’m quite sure it’s not positive.
I have now started to realise that i’m getting this urge to pee and wiping some blood only after sex now but i’m not sure why because I’ve never had this happen when we had sex before all of this happened and i’m not sure if my birth control pill has anything to do with this?
It’s hard having sex with him in certain positions sometimes because his penis is slightly curved so i’m thinking if that’s causing pressure on my bladder? or if it’s happening because of deep penetration? I feel like there’s so many causes of why this is happening to me and i’m just so lost lol

1 comment
  1. Hi. Ask your physician to refer you to a urologist. Read up on interstitial cystitis and see if you think it fits. In the meantime, there’s an OTC drug – Phenazopyridine Hydrochloride – that can help with the urgency. It’s in things like max strength AZO. Drink plenty of fluids, limit caffeine intake (it tends to increase urgency), and eliminate anything like aspirin or ibuprofen as they’re known to increase bleeding. Use acetaminophen for pain instead. If you develop back pain or a fever, go to urgent care or the emergency room. It would be indicative of a kidney infection.

    If you were my pt, I’d want a straight cath urine sample to determine if there’s blood in the urine. I’d tell you to lay off penetrative sex til we had an answer. I’d do a full pelvic and STI panel. If everything came back negative or if there’s blood in the urine, I’d refer to the urologist. If the pelvic gave me any concerns, I’d refer you to the OB/GYN.

    My suspicion is that whatever the source of the original infection wasn’t completely eradicated, but was in a small enough quantity it didn’t pop on the culture. If you’re given another prescription for antibiotics or a sulfa drug, set alarms on your phone and take each dose timely. Be sure to finish the entire prescription.

    I’m sorry this is happening to you. Definitely push for answers. Remember, your healthcare providers work for you. Feel better soon.

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