Ladies, what are your thoughts on freeuse? Has anyone tried it irl?

  1. Yup! I love it.

    I’m in control in every other aspect of my life by necessity, but when it comes to my man in the bedroom? I want him to own me. I’ve given him carte blanche to do whatever he wants with me in bed.

    I’ve communicated with him about a few things that should be avoided because they are triggering, but for the most part he’s in charge when it comes to sex.

    If there’s something he does that I’m not cool with, I just say gently: “red light” and he knows to stop.

    Otherwise my favorite way of waking up is for him to stick his cock in me while we’re spooning and I’m half asleep or when he turns on his side and grabs my shoulders gently to indicate that he wants a morning BJ and I’m more than happy to oblige.

  2. Never really talked about it but just turned that way. I’ve never had sex this good before my boyfriend

  3. Depends on who I’m dating at the time, I’ve tried it a few times, and if you know how to do it safely it can be a lot of fun.

  4. I have done various kinds of CNC play before that could be described as such, but am not personally interested in having a 24/7 CNC dynamic (which is what many “free use” dynamics are).

    As a kink educator, I’ll also say that it seems many people who are into “free use” have not looked into recommended negotiation and safety tools for CNC scenes as deeply as they should have before attempting it. It is NOT a kink to take lightly or to try on a whim, especially if either one of you has a history of sexual victimization.

  5. I love the idea of it. My partner and I are starting to introduce some elements slowly by identifying things that are “always allowed.” I couldn’t commit to the lifestyle fully though, for us it always has the undertone of “I would rather you go for it 100% of the time and be turned down 10% than not go for it.”

  6. Just seems kinda annoying. We already have sex a few times a day when it’s convenient for both of us. I imagine a partner I had would have more than one kink and we could fulfill other ones just fine

  7. I’m a free use sub to my partner/Dom. I love it that he knows I’m always available for him. We are in a 24/7 D/S relationship and me being free use works well for us.

    I love to feel used but I do need aftercare.

  8. i’m free/use to my Dom. Being a good Dom She is aware of my moods and energy levels, She and i have 2 kids and work full-time. This is something that is not talked about often. A good Dom is aware of Her sub’s limits.

  9. As long as it doesn’t become an excuse for sex _always and only_ being about his pleasure, I would really like it.

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