How did you find out that your were the side piece?

  1. My friend told me that she saw my boyfriend with another girl and that he was holding her hand. I confronted him about it and he told me that they were just friends. I didn’t believe him so I looked through his phone and found texts between them that proved they were more than just friends.

  2. I hooked up with a guy I met at a disco. Everything seemed fine. He went home next day.

    I went to school Monday and told some people about my weekend, and he came up. One of the guys said he knew him and that he was dating a girl named Anna. I remember him asking if I knew this Anna, and he said she was his ex girlfriend. That night I thought it was a weird question but I didn’t think further about it.

    Anyway, guy from my class took it to Anna a week later. I hadn’t been to school that day because I had come down with the flu. That evening the door bell rang, and the guy from my class stood there with Anna. She wasn’t angry with me. She was heartbroken her boyfriend had cheated. Apparently he was at a local bowl and fun place closeby, swearing up and down he hadn’t been with me. She asked if I would go there with her to confront him. I said no due to being so sick. I said I was sorry and told her the truth. He had talked about her and said she was ex.

    I don’t know if they broke up or not over this. I never asked the guy from my class. I felt for her though. I wasn’t interested in anything more with this guy but he still used me to cheat on his girlfriend. Neither her or I deserved to be part of his assholery.

  3. A very long time ago, and I swear this is true…he invited me to his wife’s birthday party

  4. He asked me to call his wife to tell her we were getting married. I dipped tf out! Don’t need that crap in my life!

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