I got an offer to freelance for a client on LinkedIn a week and a half ago. I did not respond immediately because I was preoccupied with helping my mom after her surgery.

What is a good way to word the “apology for the delay” email to the client? I’m unsure how much detail I should include in my explanation since we have yet to become acquainted.

  1. That depends on their timeframe, maybe just check in and see if the offer still stands? Maybe if you word it like “having to deal with a family emergency” or something? English is my second language, you might know a better phrase.

  2. Tbh i would not apologize at all. LinkedIn is asynchronous communication and you don’t owe an immediate response & saying “sorry for xyz” subconsciously puts in the other person’s head that you’ve done something wrong/unprofessional when that’s not the case at all. I would simply say something like:

    “thank you for reaching out regarding offer X, I would love to help you with this project and have availability starting MM/DD. I can best be reached by email at myname@email.con or by phone at 555-555-5555. I look forward to chatting with you soon – hope you’re having a great week!”

    Even if they have already moved on and hired someone else, they have a friendly, positive response from you that will leave a good impression & will be more likely to reach out again next time they need someone.

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