Had a minor accident over the weekend, and broke my leg. Told my gf of 2 years, and while she has shown some level of concern over text. She hasn’t offered any help, or even asked me if I needed anything. What makes it embarrassing is that my family and friends that have been helping me with stuff, keep on asking me where she is, because they probably wondering why she’s not helping me

  1. Some people are just socially inept and need to be told that they’re supposed to react a certain way to specific events. Like, she could be assuming that you’d tell her unprompted if you needed anything.

  2. By speaking w her and communicating exactly what you said here. Maybe somethings going on in her life and she doesn’t want to put any more on you. Could go either way.

  3. If she doesn’t have anything going on and and no reason to be ignoring you, then I would break up with her. I would also call her or text her and break up. She doesn’t care.

  4. I am hoping you omitted the part where you are long distance from one another or how she came over and made you dinner that night etc. As someone else pointed out she could be inept with social matters, or there are giant red flags being waved around the room and you are justified in feeling this way.

    I fully believe people can change with time and effort, but if you want someone to check in on you and express concern for you when you are ill she might not be your person.

  5. Is she busy with school or work, is this the first time you’ve had an accident like this or is it something that happens often ?

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