I need some help. A lot of help. If you have the time to read, please help me.

How do you guys leave your husband if you know your child is going to be not safe around your husband or in laws alone? Isn’t it easier some times to stay if you know that they will be protected with you? I’m a stay at home mom, I have nothing in my name. No car. Nowhere to go. No job. I’m in Florida and I have heard this state is harder when it comes to custody.

I have been pushed twice (once when my daughter was in my arms) and in august had a gallon of milk thrown at my stomach. I never called the police for any of those and I wish I did. I have proof of emotional abuse and what was said and texts. He also confessed to his therapist and both his bosses that he threw the jug at me because he was so scared. I guess I’m just at the crossroads now because the emotional abuse isn’t getting better.

I keep my daughter from my in-laws because my mother in law told me to hide my pregnancy with my first daughter and I miscarried her a week later and I don’t feel comfortable with her being around my daughter as she has also openly talked about my husbands penis size with family and the difference between my husbands penis and his brothers. Too many red flags there for her to be around my daughter. His uncle texted my husband and told me to shut the fuck up and to handle this or I will over a facebook post I shared and won’t take down about how boy moms need to let there sons go. My husband and is family are awful and I just feel like I have to martyr myself at this point because there is more than one person that is not safe here.

My biggest concern is the state I’m in. If I could leave knowing I could have full custody this would be easier on me, I’m scared to let him be with her alone which is why I stay. If you made it this far, thank you for listening and please pray for me.

9/21/21 5:00 PM

Fuck you I don’t want your help

See you later you asshole

You’re a cunt

9/27/21 8:00 PM

You’re an asshole

Go kill yourself

You’re a bitch

9/30/2021 9:30 PM


10/13/2021 8:50 PM

You’re a piece of shit

You’re an asshole

10/21/2021 9:10 PM

You’re a bitch

Go fuck yourself

You’re an asshole

Fuck you

You’re an asshole

Fucking bitch

10/30/2021 9:00 PM

Our baby pulled his chest/nipples and he screamed fuck off

11/16/2021 8:30 PM

You don’t deserve a good life you piece of shit

12/1/2021 8:20 PM

Take her now before I kill her (talking about our baby)

1/4/2022 9:00 PM

Go to fucking bed (to our baby)

1/5/2022 9:38 PM

You dumb bitch

1/8/2022 7:00 PM

You’re a cunt
I’m going to end your life (putting knuckles to my face)
Threw his hat violently on the ground while holding our baby

8/16/2022 9:00 PM

Threw half gallon of milk at my abdomen during an argument

10/19/2022 12:00 AM

Told our baby to shut up as she was crying

10/24/2022 10:50 PM

Said “fuck that kid”. Talking about our baby

1/14/2023 12:00 PM

Shut the fuck up.

  1. If you have all those text on your phone, and don’t report him to the police, and something happens to your kid you can be charged as well. Also with that you can show them to the police and have a restraint order put out for you and the child. As far as Florida goes I don’t know the law for custody.

  2. Oh my god, OP. This is absolutely enough evidence to take to authorities. Your child is not safe and neither are you. This is terrifying.

    Do you also have any support system to help you through this as well? Any friends or family or access to resources for people going through domestic violence? If need be, I’d be happy to share some resources for you.

    This is a really dangerous situation and unfortunately, leaving can be the most dangerous point for a woman as many men kill them during this time. You need to be safe about how you leave.

  3. Keep keeping a journal. Write details about the day whether there is violence or not. Hope you can get out safe 🤞🏽

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