When did you know that your relationship was the one you wanted compared to previous ones?

  1. There wasn’t one moment, there was a level of comfort and care that I trusted my wife that allowed me to propose and marry her.

  2. She was there for me when I was at my worst. I was there for her at her worst. We got through it.

    Also she went overseas teaching for a year. Told her I’m not going to wait, I looked around. Nope, she is the one for me.

    She is still overseas and I would like a woman in bed with me, but any other woman would not be the same. It might be nice, but not the same.

  3. Thats not how it works. Comparing a relationship to a relationship is not like comparing apples to apples as if they were the same. Too many variables making them all different. Even you are not the same you from past relationships.

  4. Years of being together and we still have fun. We have a ton in common. She cares about me like no one else. It takes time to learn someone is the one for you.

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