So this is kinda long story but idk where else to turn because I haven’t gotten any good info anywhere else and want to know if others have had this.

10 days ago on the 5th of January i was going to a urologist appointment to follow up on a previous appointment I had set up about two months prior. I set that appointment up because I noticed that after I drank energy drinks /alcohol or masterbated alot I would get this issue when I would have the urge to pee constantly for lie a day two and then it would go away. But during those days it felt like I had to pee all the time. Peeing wouldn’t relieve the feeling. I go to my first appointment and I wasnt experiencing any symptoms at the time so it was hard to describe everything to the doc. He thought it was my energy drink consumption (which I completly stopped) and I felt alot better. On the 31st of December I decided is was going to go on a sexual activity fast for about a week. Fast forward to January 5th. I drink about 2 liters of water before my appointment because I though i would have to pee in a cup but didn’t end up doing so. After the appt I went to pee and emptied my bladder but after I did I didn’t get the relief I usually get. The issue persisted. When I woke up the next day I had this horrible urge to pee that was helped by peeing at all. I did notice that getting an erection would stop the effects to a point. I went to the ER on Monday after talking to a nurse hotline. They did a catscan and a urine culture and both tests came up negative for anything bad. I was given pyridium and took that for two days. On Tuesday I went to my docotrs office and talked with her abiut the problem and she diagnosed me with an overactive bladder. She thinks its being irritated by my anxiety (which I have alot of becuase I have generalized anxiety disorder). I’ll admit I’ve been obsessing about it most days and have been researching every possible reason for it. The pyridum seemed to kind of help but I know you shouldn’t take it for more than two days so is time after. I thiugh masterbating would help so that night after my appoint ent I masterbaited to see if i would get relief. I didn’t.

Fast forward to today 10 days later and I’m still having this issue. What the hell is wrong with me?

Frequent urination,
Small amount of leakage ,
Feeling of full bladder when I know its not full.

Edit: I’m 26yo Male btw

  1. Focus on relieving your anxiety and I think this will disappear. I think I had a minor version of this years ago.

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