What is the personality trait that every man has in common that have attractive female partners?

  1. According to studies, it seems that the most attractive trait in a man is a sense of humor. A good sense of humor is something that can easily win over anyone’s heart!

  2. Power.
    Not necessarily wealthy, political, or threatening types of power.
    It might be power over themselves in exhibiting control over their own life.
    It might be social skills that give them the power to positively influence social situations.
    It might be certain skills/talents/abilities that give them power to have major effects on outcomes in their specific area(s) of expertise.
    Powerlessness/weakness is a major turn-off for many/most, and there are all kinds of *strengths* that emanate attractive vibes.

  3. There is no such thing, unless you pretend that random shit like “money, status, looks” are personality traits.

    For everyone who does, what the fuck.

  4. Their isn’t really one that covers all women. Quite frankly I’ve found I just learned to talk and dating suddenly got insanely easier. Be confident and have stuff you’re passionate about.

  5. I’ll start by saying there is a lot of judgement in the question, very few women are genuinely unattractive, if they are it’s personality!

    I would guess that they are civil and never send dickpicks (except to consenting urologist) nor ask for nudes to be sent.

  6. Power or the allusion of power.

    I met a hippy dude on the weekend who was in probably his 60’s and I would have put his wife/gf who was really HOT in her late 30’s. The guy seemed like kind of a loser but apparently he’s a big deal in the circles he runs in, He also spoke like a person who knew what they were talking about (even though it was nonsense crystal talk).

    Another guy I know who has a very attractive wife 30 years his junior is just a very wealthy and charismatic businessman.

    Or they are just the popular one in the group or know how to come off as mr popular.

    Power overall > everything else. money, appearance and social status are all forms of power.

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