First post. I started using Viagra to last longer – long story short it REALLY works! So far so good but I get seriously bizarre dreams after taking it, and the next day I feel like I was out partying the night before. Does anyone else get these symptoms. I’m not complaining but taking one of these pills is like a two-day commitment until I’m back to normal.

  1. Weird, I’ve gotten similar experiences since starting Cialis. I hadn’t really connected it to my penis pill. Maybe it is connected. But I started Cialis when starting other meds that mess with erectile dysfunction, it’s hard to parse out side-effects when starting multiple meds.

  2. Unusual dreams are a side effect of both Viagra and Cialis. I use Cialis and have had some really bizarre dreams. Fortunately not disturbing, just strange. This side effect is more common in men who are 60+.

  3. I have very good experiences with Cobra 120mg. The only side effects are a slight headache about 6 hours after taking it. However, I have to say that I only take sexual enhancers in combination with MDMA

  4. There are three FDA approved pills for ED, and they all work a bit differently with different side effects. I had my doctor Rx all three of them so I could compare which one I liked the best….

    Viagra (sildenafil) was the LEAST friendly for my body. I got a red face, flushed, pounding headache and heartbeat, and a bit of a clogged sinus and watery eyes. Absolutely unfriendly for the minor ED benefit it provided. Also, timing/planning is more important with Viagra. It’s onset is pretty fast, 30-45 minutes before you’re ready to go… but it only lasts a few hours tops. If you don’t know exactly when the action is going to happen, it’s a poor choice.

    Levitra (vardenafil) is a lot like Viagra for me, similar side-effects and onset/duration. This one requires advanced planning – also works better with food, whereas Viagra tends to work better on an empty stomach. I didn’t care for it at all.

    Cialis (tadalafil) was GREAT. It lasts all day, in fact a 20mg pill in the morning on a Friday will easily last all the way through Saturday night for me. If I’m going over my GF’s house and don’t know what the kid/timing schedule is going to be, this is the ideal medication for me. None of the side-effects that I had with the Viagra, except maybe a slight headache 4-6 hours after taking the dose but it’s not that intense. It’s also really cheap, generic is $27 for 30 pills with no insurance from Walmart and local pick-up.

  5. I’ve been seeing a ton of ads for viagra lately and I’ve been curious to try it. Nervous about it though. I don’t have any issues with ED or how long I last, but I would like to last longer.

  6. for men, 1.5 mg per kg of body weight applies. but I’ll say it from my own experience. 150mg in 6 hours is still ok

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